Meteor call stack exceeded on Windows

I was recently introduced to a project build on MeteorJS. I’ve done a lot of work with NodeJS projects before, and have an environment already setup with everything I needed.

After installing Meteor using npm install meteor -g I could not run meteor --version without getting the following error:

E:\Code\node-on-fhir>meteor run
      throw error;

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
(Use `node --trace-uncaught ...` to show where the exception was thrown)

After a great deal of investigating, I found a single comment on a deeply nested forum/thread that mentioned an issue with having a node_modules directory in my user’s folder, which was causing Meteor to excessively traverse UP the tree of node_modules. And that was my problem, as well.

There are several reasons for this problem, but the node_modules folder in my user’s primary folder was the source of my problem.

To solve this problem: delete your c:\users\<your_username>\node_modules folder.

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